Flucore Tablet

Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Cough and Cold

Fever, Cough Disorder

Flucore Tablet is a specialized medication designed to provide effective relief from fever and cough disorders. Crafted to address a range of respiratory symptoms, including coughing, throat irritation, and fever, Flucore Tablet offers comprehensive relief to individuals suffering from respiratory ailments. With its unique combination of active ingredients, Flucore Tablet targets the underlying causes of fever and cough, providing fast-acting and long-lasting relief.

Whether you're dealing with the common cold, flu, or other respiratory infections, Flucore Tablet is your trusted companion for alleviating symptoms and restoring comfort. Choose Flucore Tablet for rapid relief and a speedy recovery from fever and cough disorders.


Ingredients, Giloy(Guduchi, Galo), Bharang Mool, Vasa, Nagkeshar, Sunthi, Marich, Pippali, Haridra, Katuki, Punarnava, Varun Chhal, Gokshur, Saptparna Chhalstem, Kantkari Whole, Kutaj Chhal, Vanslochan, Harde, Baheda, Amla, Sphatika, Kachuro, Bhavana of Tulsi Patra, Bhavana of Nimb Patra, Bhavana of Papaiya Patra


✓ 2 tablet twice a day or as Directed by Physician.

Why Flucore Tablet?

Flucore Tablet stands out as the ultimate solution for those grappling with fever and cough disorders. Crafted with a potent blend of ingredients, it swiftly targets the root causes of respiratory distress, offering fast relief from symptoms like coughing, throat irritation, and fever. Whether you're battling the common cold, flu, or respiratory infections, Flucore Tablet provides rapid and enduring relief, ensuring you can get back to your daily routine with ease.

Its trusted formulation and proven efficacy make it a go-to choice for individuals seeking effective relief from respiratory ailments. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to wellness with Flucore Tablet by your side.

How it can Benefits:

Reduces Fever
The tablet likely contains antipyretic components that help lower body temperature during a fever.
Targets Multiple Symptoms
Addresses a range of respiratory symptoms including coughing, throat irritation, and fever, offering comprehensive relief.
Combats Respiratory Infections
Helps fight common cold, flu, and other respiratory infections by targeting the underlying causes of illness.
Supports Recovery
Aids in the body's natural healing process, promoting a speedy recovery from respiratory illnesses.

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